Monday, July 31, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
quel ramo del lago di como...

That branch of lake Como, which extends toward the south between two unbroken chains of mountains, all bays and inlets, as these protrude and retreat, comes, almost abruptly, to contract itself and take the course and form of a river, between a promontory on the right and a wide shorefront on the opposite side…
A. Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi
Sunday, July 09, 2006
il povero diavolo

Sì, signor Capitano, la virtù. Vede, signor capitano, noi povera gente, che non ci ha la virtù...a uno capita così, la natura; ma se io fossi un signore e ci avessi un cappello e un orologio e un’anglaise, e fossi capace di parlare bene, allora sì che sarei virtuoso. Dev’essere bello, signor Capitano, avere la virtù. Ma io sono un povero diavolo!
Yes, Captain, virtue, sir. I haven't got the hang of it, up to now. You see: us common folk, our sort don't have any virtue, we just feel the call of nature; but if I was a gentleman and had a hat and a watch and a frock coat and could talk refined, I'd be virtuous all right. It must be a fine thing, virtue, sir. But I'm a poor man.
Yes, Captain, virtue, sir. I haven't got the hang of it, up to now. You see: us common folk, our sort don't have any virtue, we just feel the call of nature; but if I was a gentleman and had a hat and a watch and a frock coat and could talk refined, I'd be virtuous all right. It must be a fine thing, virtue, sir. But I'm a poor man.
(Woyzeck, di Georg Büchner)