il povero diavolo

Sì, signor Capitano, la virtù. Vede, signor capitano, noi povera gente, che non ci ha la virtù...a uno capita così, la natura; ma se io fossi un signore e ci avessi un cappello e un orologio e un’anglaise, e fossi capace di parlare bene, allora sì che sarei virtuoso. Dev’essere bello, signor Capitano, avere la virtù. Ma io sono un povero diavolo!
Yes, Captain, virtue, sir. I haven't got the hang of it, up to now. You see: us common folk, our sort don't have any virtue, we just feel the call of nature; but if I was a gentleman and had a hat and a watch and a frock coat and could talk refined, I'd be virtuous all right. It must be a fine thing, virtue, sir. But I'm a poor man.
Yes, Captain, virtue, sir. I haven't got the hang of it, up to now. You see: us common folk, our sort don't have any virtue, we just feel the call of nature; but if I was a gentleman and had a hat and a watch and a frock coat and could talk refined, I'd be virtuous all right. It must be a fine thing, virtue, sir. But I'm a poor man.
(Woyzeck, di Georg Büchner)
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